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L2 Clan hall Elmoreden

Basic rules

I. Ability. Only those people who have reached the age of majority in the respective regulations, from their countries of residence, will be able to access our platforms. Otherwise, access will be under the responsibility of their parents/guardians.
Likewise, people whose capacity in fact or law is limited, be it partially or totally, will be limited to participate.

II. Free principle. The Community is not for profit, access to the platforms is free and free, and is only subject to compliance with the -detailed here- terms and conditions. Therefore, any contribution that you wish to make will be in the nature of a donation. That is to say, without any consideration, since any reward will be given as a symbolic thank you for the contribution made.
No good or service that was provided by the Community will be for consideration, nor will the payment of any amount be required for access to the different platforms offered.

III. Term of duration. The project is supported by the investment (of time and money) of the administration (from now on called "the staff") and of the users, consequently it depends exclusively on it for its survival, for which its duration is indeterminate and requires of the contributions of the different actors that compose it.

IV. Registration and protection of personal data. All user information, including and not limited to: names, documents, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. It will not be shared or shared with anyone outside of the administration. In case you want the elimination of it, it may be required to the staff.

V. Modification of terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are subject to the possibility of modifications -total or partial- which will be announced and duly notified by the different communication platforms (website, social networks, within the game). In the case, there is a presumption that whoever continues to use and enjoy the different platforms accepts them in their entirety and without any observation. Otherwise, the user may request the deletion of all data stored in the database, as established in the preceding point.

VI. Obligations of the parties. Users agree to: a) Make correct use of the different platforms; b) Respect the code of conduct contained in the annex; c) Do not exploit game failures (bugs) either for your benefit or to harm the server or third parties; d) Report the existence of game bugs, which will be duly rewarded, in order to be able to pursue their repair.
On the other hand, the server staff undertakes to make the best possible effort to maintain the best playability conditions, respecting the rules contained in the Code of Conduct, with complete impartiality and without interfering in the normal development of the game.
In the case of making a donation, the user agrees to make their own means of payment, or with the authorization of the owner. Since he will be responsible in case of incurring in the unauthorized use of credit and / or debit cards.

VII. Unauthorized access. Unauthorized access is prohibited both to the different devices used for the operation of the server, as well as to the staff and/or user accounts, including but not limited to the possibility of using hacking and/or phishing tools. The case of the commission of the aforementioned, may lead to legal consequences.

01. Always treat all Administrators, Game Masters and members of the Administration with respect. Any act of disrespect to the administration, regardless of the means of communication, will result in punishment.

02. It is prohibited to impersonate (pretend to be) any member of the administration.

03. Advertising, comments or suggestions for any other Lineage servers are prohibited in any game chat or other media linked to us.

04. It is prohibited to use programs that interact with Lineage 2, exploit or take advantage of any type of problem found in the game, forum or website that benefits you in relation to other players. If a player discovers an error (problem/glitch) in the game, forum or website, he must immediately report it to the administration. If a player uses automacros and a GM talks to him and is not answered within a period of time, this will be will consider the use of bots and your character will be banned for 4 years or more

05. Never request levels, items, adena, teleportation or any benefit to any member of the administration because you will not be answered.

06. Your account is personal and non-transferable, which means that you are responsible for your own security in the game. Never give your password to anyone else, including the administration. Make sure the computer used to play the game is secure. Never run additional interactivity programs with your Lineage 2, which were not provided by the administration, as they may contain viruses and keyloggers that will result in the theft of your user accounts and/or items. The administration is not responsible for any stolen, dropped or destroyed items. The administration guarantees the total integrity and security of the server and, therefore, intrusion hacks to steal articles or accounts directly on the server, website or forum are not possible, that is, any type of theft is caused by carelessness or misuse of the users. .

07. All user data (its accuracy and maintenance) is the sole responsibility of the user. Take care of your data and keep your email account active since it is necessary to recover your password if you forget it. The administration is not responsible for data that is forgotten, lost, deleted or canceled for any reason.

08. Offending other players with profanity, derogatory and offensive names, pornographic, racist and other crimes in Global Chat and any other means of communication provided by our team is prohibited. In game chats, use the /block command to block messages from unwanted characters. Use chat hero wisely as it involves reading the entire server. It is also prohibited to use any chat to incite or manipulate the players on the server against the administration.

09. Players who accuse, without evidence, the administration of favoring other players, will be severely penalized. The administration will not allow bad players to tarnish the image of the server because they are sore losers.
10. Cualquier acción dentro del juego que la gerencia considere anti-juego (acciones consideradas inapropiadas o de mal carácter) también resultará en castigos, tales como:  interrumpir o intentar eludir eventos automáticos o realizados por la gerencia; Intentando engañar a otros jugadores ofreciéndoles artículos falsos.

11. Dualbox
A) It is allowed to connect up to 4 per ip with freedom to use it as desired except for Olympics that can only be played with 1 at a time.



Possession of Clan Halls or Castles
A) Manipulate the auction process so that the CH goes to a specific person.
B) Possession of a CH by an inactive or secondary clan.

C) Possession of a castle with an inactive clan.

D) It is allowed to attack or besiege other castles with a secondary clan

E) It is not allowed for a clan to own all the castles

12. Olympics
A) Fill inventory or switch to a sub to force the system to cancel a match.
B) Unlog while in the stadium.

C) It is not allowed for a backpack to have the title of hero
D) It is allowed for each clan to create its strategy in combat, always respecting point C

13. PVP (Player vs. Player)
A) PK in starting cities.
C) Use summons to kill while the owner is in a peace zone.
D) Assist a character (heal) from a peace zone to another that is outside of it.

14. About the punishments
A) There are standard penalties for each type of violation of the rules, however, the staff reserves the right to modify this penalty (to increase or decrease it) according to the circumstances. The penalty will be applied to, but not limited to, the character and/or account of the offense.​

15. The sale of game items (outside of the game's trade) is prohibited for both parties. Failure to comply with this rule means the exclusive responsibility of the buyer and/or seller in the case of loss of money and item. Likewise, they will be susceptible to having their accounts permanently deleted (logged ip account and binding account creation email are taken into account).

Ignorance of the rules will not be at any time an excuse for non-compliance. The non-interpretation of said regulations does not exempt from the penalty, in the same way, the questioning of the morality of the person who applies it may also be a reason for sanction.

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