Play Lineage II Spain Now
To start playing on our server you just have to follow three simple steps:
Step 1: Create your account
Step 2: Download the game: Full Game Patched (Interface Classic)
Step 3: Extract the zip, winrar open L2Spanish and click on "Play l2Spain". Enjoy!
To log in use the forum credentials: username and password. Remember to always open the game from L2Spanish in the Lineage II folder (otherwise, you will not be able to log in),.
Your antivirus may detect the launcher as a virus. This is a false positive due to the files being encrypted. If you have problems, add the Lineage 2 folder to the exclusions list of your antivirus.
The server is very powerful and with a fast connection, so if you experience lag, we recommend that you try this Leatrix latency correction tool to optimize your connection to the server and enjoy better playability, in addition to selecting your closest proxy on the server selection screen. If you are still lagging, try this.
When you open Play L2Spanish you can give an error, for this it has an easy fix, enter the system folder and execute the shortcut of the game l2.exe has to run the game 100% without errors
If you are still having difficulty getting in, don't worry, we are here to help you! Enter our FORUM
Problems downloading the full game?
1 - Download Interlude Client: 2 Mega or Mediafire Options
2 - If you already have the game, just download the patch ( System L2Spain )